Z-Series Tru-Gauge™ (55/55/63) - Loaded Pickguard

Z-Series Tru-Gauge™ (55/55/63) - Loaded Pickguard

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In This Set

  • Bridge: Z-Series Tru-Gauge 63™ (ZV63)

  • Middle: Z-Series Tru-Gauge 55™ (ZV55)

  • Neck: : Z-Series Tru-Gauge 55™ (ZV55)


The Z-Series Tru-Gauge set utilizes a ZV55 in the neck and middle and a ZV63 in the bridge. This is the Tru-Gauge equivalent of our ZCore5 Vintage set and represents the most authentically Stratty set we make. It’s got low output vintage response in the neck and middle with a little of that extra 60s kick in the bridge.

This set utilizes 2 standard 250 k audio taper pots, with a dedicated tone knob on the bridge pickup and a 250 k no load audio taper pot wired as the neck and middle tone. Other control and wiring options are available by special order. Pricing may vary.

Check out the Loaded Pickguard Gallery.

Assembly Information

  • Loaded pickguards are fully wired with pickups, controls, 5-way switch and capacitor along with pickguard, knobs and switch tip of your choice.

  • Select colors for covers, pickguards, knobs and switch tip at checkout.

  • If you wish to use your own pickguard, knobs and switch tip and have us pre-wire the pickups and controls only (mounted on a cardboard template), order an "assembled set" here.

  • We use the "modern" 11 hole pickguard pattern. Other hole patterns are available by special order. Pricing may vary.

  • We configure our loaded pickguards with our best wiring and control recommendation. Other control and wiring options are available by special order. Pricing may vary.

Please note:

  • Pickups may take 10-15 days before ready for shipment.

  • Lefties are considered special orders and may take up to 3 weeks before ready for shipment.

  • We have limited availability of left handed parts. Please contact us for left-handed loaded pickguards and assembled sets.

  • Z-Series pickups have their covers potted on. Removal will void the warranty.

  • Cover color choice is presented at checkout.

  • All of our pickups are made to order and with fixed cover (pickups potted in their covers) Z-Series/Z-Core models, orders placed will be built with covers selected at checkout and color changes will be subject to a $10 restock fee, $25.00 for a set of three.

  • USPS First Class International Postage is not available for orders over $400 USD. Only USPS Priority International or Priority Express International are available over $400 USD.